In the world of TV production, Josh Berger is what’s known as a glue guy. Yes, he’s an industry vet with over two decades of experience in everything from News, Sports, and Entertainment to Stunts, Reality, Documentary, and Talk. And yes, more recently, he’s branched out into the world of creative content, branded content, and theatrical marketing, too. Count it all up and the man’s left his imprint on literally thousands of hours of episodic, live, and special event programming, airing all across the globe. From a professional resume standpoint, he has no weaknesses.

But what Josh really brings to the table are the intangibles—those critical contributions that any project needs to run smoothly and efficiently. To start, he’s an awesome communicator. His people skills? Off the charts. He’s also a passionate creative and innovator who’s fostered several network start-ups all the way from first inception to final launch. And then there’s his team building skills. Josh knows what it takes to bring production people together because he’s already worn most of their hats. That rare combination of both Executive Producer and Director, Josh boasts a proven track record in almost every phase of the process—branding, storytelling, conceptualization, budgeting, working with talent, and of course, post. As previously stated, the Berger hat rack remains large and distinguished.

As you can see, fellow industry professional, whether it’s at the pre-pro table, on the set, or in the edit bay, Josh Berger has the experience and know-how to be the X-factor for your next production.